Moss Haven Farm


Moss Haven Farm exists to cultivate a respect for the earth and food-growth process in our students. Our vision is that they will develop a lifelong interest in responsible environmental practices, seek to live a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate a passion for giving back to the community. Since March 2012, we we’ve grown from a grassy knoll to 23 raised beds, a farm field and chicken coop.



Crops: We’ve seen students making healthier choices. When a child grows foods from seed to harvest, eating them becomes more fun! Plus our ongoing collaboration with the North Texas Food Bank has students excited to give back.


Enriching Academics: We’ve seen a measurable increase in students’ pass rates on the Texas standardized science test since the implementation of our farm – curriculum partnership. Our school garden continues to find new and innovative ways to grow and thrive, enabling every Moss Haven student to take important life skills into their future endeavors.


Community: We have the support of our wonderful staff and teachers. 100 percent of Moss Haven faculty agree the Farm benefits student learning and engagement, and 100 percent of teachers believe the Farm builds community in the neighborhood. Many school gardens start strong, but are no longer viable within four years. However, at Moss Haven, parents and students alike are dedicated to a sustainable program.



  • Herb and history gardens
  • Texas Native bed
  • Rain catchment and measurement system
  • Purple Martin House gourd system
  • Learning area with custom tree stump chairs and outdoor chalkboard
  • 1500-gallon rainwater harvest systems
  • Growing for Giving Garden, high yield crops are donated to North Texas Food Bank
  • Compost system, where students place lunch scraps
  • After school 4H Club for students
  • Certified National Wildlife Habitat and approved Texas Master Gardner volunteer site
  • American Heart Association Teaching Garden
  • United Way’s Healthy Zone School
  • Home to a custom chicken coop housing our Egg Laying/ Hatching Poultry Program



President: Kristi Poteet
Program Director: Kim Aman​
Secretary: Laura Pendleton
Treasurer: Erin Miller​
​4-H Chairs: Tiffany Walker & Erin Prather Stafford
Service Day: Kristie Poteet​​ & Elly Weyenberg
Sign Ups: Suzanne Bouvier
Apparel: Aimee Bruyninckx & Whitney Williams




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First bell rings at 7:40 a.m.

Tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m.