Mission Statement:
Bringing attention to the emerging needs of our MHE students with compassion, advocacy, and inclusion
What does EMERGE do?
EMERGE aims to provide for the needs of MHE students—whether proactively or in response to crisis. Here are a few examples…
- Provide shoes, backpacks, water bottles, coats, binders, lunchboxes and other school supplies to families in need*
- Send non-perishable food home with students who need it over longer school breaks.
- Organize a gift card drive or event where families can donate gift cards (Walmart, Target, Kroger, etc) so that our school counselor can help address hunger and clothing needs
- Increase the effectiveness of our mentor program
- Support the PTA’s annual Angel Tree**
- Sky Ranch scholarship supplement***
- Birthday treats
- Breakfast for kids
- Help with library late fees
- Provide financial assistance to families on a case-by-case basis for more emergent needs
*The PTA subsidizes school supplies for families in need. However, last year’s needs (water bottles, binders for fifth and sixth grades, supplies for transfer students, etc) exhausted the PTA’s allotted budget for school supplies. So, EMERGE will fill in the gap.
**The Angel Tree is a function of Community Outreach (PTA Committee) open to all MHE parents who want to sponsor a family. EMERGE board members are encouraged to sponsor a family. And EMERGE plans on addressing an overflow needs with regard to Angel Tree.
***The PTA generously funds the big school trips to Austin and Sky Ranch. However, there are still students who can’t afford to go (fee is around $200/per student for Sky Ranch) and those students need scholarships. We will also consider parents who would like to chaperone but can’t afford the fee.
I would like to give to EMERGE or volunteer:
Venmo us at @Emerge-LH or send a check to the school ℅ Emerge Lake Highlands.
Meredith Salge, President
Summer Estes, Vice President
Brandi Tooker, Treasurer
Janelle Marvin, Secretary
I need help. How can I connect with EMERGE?
Email the school guidance counselor, Tyler Tavares, if you need help with any of the above items. We are here for you. tyler.tavares@risd.org
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
- Thursday, April 3
- Saturday, April 5
Quick Links
Add money to Cafeteria account
Free and Reduced lunch application
RISD Academic Calendar
RISD Cafeteria Menu
RISD Volunteer Background Check
Carpool Map
Traffic Plan
First bell rings at 7:40 a.m.
Tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m.