Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
President |
Molly Parker |
1st VP-Aide/President Elect |
Lauren Combest |
2nd VP-Community Engagement |
Lee Fischer |
3rd VP-Community Engagement |
Selam Dolino | carnival@mhepta.org |
4th VP-Fundraising | Amy Solum | |
5th VP-Fundraising | Katherine Allen | |
6th VP-Membership | Emily Albrecht | |
7th VP-Ways & Means | Meredith Foster | |
Secretary | Stacey Haggard | |
Treasurer | Ally Smuland | |
Parliamentarian | Jennifer Lang | |
RISD Delegate | Ashley Ariail | |
RISD Delegate | Kathleen Bellinger |
Arts in Education | Brittany Diaz | |
Auction Business | Holly Aldredge | |
Auction Business | Amy Solum | |
Auction Solicitations | Sarah Charbonnet | |
Auction Treasures | Lauren Bacak | |
Campus Beautification | Dayme Walther | |
Community Engagement-Carnival | Kaitlyn Osteen | |
Community Engagement-World's Fair | Annabelle Hernandez | |
Community Fundraising-Spirit Nights, Box Tops | Andrea Zartman | |
Community Outreach | Bailey Gutherie | |
Community Outreach | Jamie Boles | |
Diversity and Inclusion | Jeremey Graves | |
Environmental | ||
Health & Safety | safety@mhepta.org | |
Hospitality | Jenna Dresser | hospitality@mhepta.org |
Hospitality | Allison Herrin | hospitality@mhepta.org |
Legislative | ||
Multicultural | ||
Parent Education | Alexis Cass | mustangmemo@mhepta.org |
Pony Club-Preschool Liaison | Summer Estes | preschoolliaison@mhepta.org |
Pony Club-Preschool Liaison | Camille Prewett | |
Publicity-Social Media+Mustang Memo | Mary Ann Burke | mustangmemo@mhepta.org |
RISD Clothes Closet | Lauren Laverde | clothescloset@mhepta.org |
RISD Clothes Closet | Kayla Morton | clothescloset@mhepta.org |
Room Representative | Charlotte Mims | roomrep@mhepta.org |
SAGE Rep | Angela O'Brien | sage@mhepta.org |
SAGE Rep | Lauren Winkler | sage@mhepta.org |
Spirit Wear | Gisa Heinz | spiritwear@mhepta.org |
Spirit Wear | Gabby Raymond | spiritwear@mhepta.org |
Spirit Wear | Tiffany Thurman | |
Staff Appreciation | Jamie Koch | staffappreciation@mhepta.org |
Staff Appreciation | Lauren Ball | |
Volunteer Services | Stephanie Camp | volunteer@mhepta.org |
Website | Aimee Langston | website@mhepta.org |
Yearbook | Samantha Curtis | yearbook@mhepta.org |
Yearbook | Courtney Hunt | yearbook@mhepta.org |
Beta Club Liaison | ||
Dad's Club Liaison | Aaron Stevens | |
Directory | ||
Emerge Liaison | Kristin Sample | |
Farm Liaison | Kaitlyn Osteen | |
Farm President | Emily Chow | |
Field Day | Nicki Graves | |
FMJH Liaison | Jordan Hutchinson | |
Library Liaison | Talia Brinkman | |
Scholarship | Jessica Orsino Jordan | |
School Supplies | Jamie Koch | schoolsupply@mhepta.org |
Staff Liaison | Mandee Menefee | mandee.menefee@risd.org |
Mrs. Shannon Temple
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
- Thursday, April 3
- Saturday, April 5
Quick Links
Add money to Cafeteria account
Free and Reduced lunch application
RISD Academic Calendar
RISD Cafeteria Menu
RISD Volunteer Background Check
Carpool Map
Traffic Plan
First bell rings at 7:40 a.m.
Tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m.