Room Reps


Volunteers are the backbone of our school – especially room representative volunteers. Not only do they help the teachers with projects and field trips, they assist with administrative tasks which frees up the teacher’s time to focus on educating our children.

At Moss Haven, each classroom needs 5 volunteers to help with organizational duties – Class Liason, Volunteer Coordinator, Auction Rep, Field Trip/Photographer Rep and Party Rep. Below is a description of the Classroom Lead duties:



  • Liaison between teachers and other class representatives.
  • Completes and displays sign-up sheets at “Meet the Teacher” night for your class. Maintains copies of all sign-up sheets. Distributes copies of specific sign-ups to appropriate Class Rep (example: Party sign-ups to the Party rep).
  • Keeps track of available classroom funds and gives Northpark gold to teacher for their birthday. ( Gift cards and Northpark gold is given to Classroom Liason by Room Rep Coordinator)
  • Welcomes new students and families to the class.
  • Makes sure Tuesday Envelope paper saver program is implemented (red line and green line).



  • Assists teachers by filling all volunteer opportunities available for the classroom. Works from the “Meet the Teacher” sign-up sheets.
  • Reminds volunteers on a timely basis by electronic newsletter, Tuesday envelope, or phone if needed of their job, date and time.
  • Informs new parents of volunteer opportunities available.
  • Attentive to overall volunteer participation within the classroom.
  • Makes sure Tuesday Envelope paper saver program is implemented (red line and green line).


Questions?  Please contact Laura Grundy at



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First bell rings at 7:40 a.m.

Tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m.