Texas PTA has three primary objectives: parent education, parent involvement, and advocacy. The single largest factor in student success is an environment of active and engaged families, educators, and communities.
At Moss Haven the Parent Education committee educates parents and brings families together for events.
Parent Education Chair (2020-2021) is Kristin Sample. Email: kristinhsample@gmail.com
Ben Kirby, Assistant Principal at Jesuit Dallas, spoke at our January 21st PTA meeting. With over 10 years in administration, Ben has worked alongside counselors and other administrators in navigating the influences technology has in the lives of young people. The goal of this presentation is to share some insights into the pros and cons of technology, in addition to the ways parents can control the trajectory of its influence on household dynamics and child/adolescent development. Ben and his wife Jessica are Moss Haven parents of Charlie (9yo), Cora (7yo), and future mustang Chloe (2yo). Ben has kindly re-recorded the presentation so that our whole community can see it or refer back to it. Please give a review—it’s very informative and timely.
Moss Haven Language Tips!
For those of you new to Moss Haven or the district, this may help you navigate our special language here at Moss Haven!
- Round-Up – the school assemblies held twice a month on Friday mornings. All of the children come to the cafeteria by 8 am. Many parents attend (younger siblings welcome) and it is a great opportunity to hear about what is going on, recognize student accomplishments, and see a skit or cheer from one of the classes; all of the classes take turns doing the cheer throughout the year.
- Raptor – The RISD system for screening all visitors to the schools. To enter into the school (to have lunch or volunteer), you must have your driver’s license scanned in and be checked in and out. This helps track visitors to keep our students protected. To volunteer in the school or on a field trip, you must have a background check through RISD’s website.
- Specials– The extra classes of P.E., art, and music all students rotate through each week.
- Reach – the Richardson ISD gifted and talented program.
- Reflections – the national PTA art program in which children submit art to be judged at the local, state and national levels. There are 3 workshops after school where your child can make the art or they can do it at home! We always have great response from Moss Haven! The theme this year is Let Your Imagination Fly.
- Auction is a big deal at Moss Haven. Many parents go to support the school financially and have a great time. There is a silent and live auction and dinner. Many parents dress up in costume for the theme.
- Sign and Go – These are get togethers that you can sign up for at the auction. They go fast so be at auction on time! The sign and go’s are a set-price. You sign up for them and then you go, thus their name – sign and go.
The Farm – the school garden located behind the school on the south side of campus. Each class has a raised garden bed that they plant, tend, and harvest throughout the year. It is a true “ole” or outdoor learning environment that is incorporated into all areas of the school’s curriculum.
Primary – 1st and 2nd grades
Intermediate – 3rd and 4th grades
Upper – 5th and 6th grades
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
- Thursday, April 3
- Saturday, April 5
Quick Links
Add money to Cafeteria account
Free and Reduced lunch application
RISD Academic Calendar
RISD Cafeteria Menu
RISD Volunteer Background Check
Carpool Map
Traffic Plan
First bell rings at 7:40 a.m.
Tardy bell rings at 7:50 a.m.